Friday, 24 February 2012

Creative Cake Pop Workshop for Mummies who love cake!

To celebrate the first year anniversary of My Honeybunch Cake Pops I am inviting you to a fabulous Cake Pop Workshop.
Wether you have never made Cake Pops before, tried them and had a few stumbles or you've never even heard of them and are wondering what on earth I'm talking about, come and join The Cake Pop Workshop.

This will be the first ever My Honeybunch Cake Pop Workshop and I can promise you are in for more than one treat.  We will be having an emphasis on fun and no matter what your skill set you WILL come away with a whole load of Cake Pops handmade by your own fare hands.  You will learn step by step how to make gorgeous cake pops and learn the do's and dont's of successful cake popping.
You will also come away with fact sheets and tips for you to take away with you so that you can make cake pops whenever you like at home.  Tea, coffee, cold drinks and of course CAKE will also be provided for at break time.

During the workshop you will learn:

  • How to process every day cake into cake balls
  • How to then make them into Cake Pops
  • The correct methods to colour, melt and then dip your pops
  • Sugar Paste work inc colouring and storing.
  • Types of coatings and decorations.
  • How to eat them... not really, that bit I think you can mange your self! Lol

You will be able to learn and make 4 different designs that you can easily and confidently develop at home. You can also take away information on follow up, more advanced workshops in the future to learn how to utilise your new skill.

Where: The Rockingham Centre, Tankersley A6135 (just off Jnct 36 M1)
When: 28th April 2012 @10.00am till 1pm
Cost: £35.00
How to Book:  by email (
or contact me via Twitter!/MyHoneybunchcom
or Facebook

Monday, 20 February 2012

Would chicken wear false eyelashes if they could?

People ask me why ask me why I paint on eye lashes on my cake pop animals.  I'm not entirely sure how this started.  When I first started making cake pops and decided to try to sell them into stores and cafes I was really only aiming to sell the pretty floral or sprinkled designs.  I began to start to include a few of my little characters and found that the customers loved them as much as I loved to make them. One of my first customers 'The Walled Garden Cafe' at have a farm on site it seemed appropriate to include a few sheep and pigs.  As I first painted on their little faces I just drew a simple dot for eyes, but being of a mischievous nature they soon developed their own characters and the faces became more elaborate.
Goat Cake Pop
 They developed a rather rye grin which was just something that came quite naturally.  Perhaps it represents the way that they amuse me?
The first Sheep Cake Pop

Poodle Cake Pop

Mr & Mrs Ghost Cake Pop

Baby Boys and Baby Girls Cake pops
Not wanting to be a sexist cake popper I was keen (and still am) to develop a female counterpart.  And so the glamour false lash was born.  I'd like to think that in an ideal world and were farm animals equipped with opposable thumbs they would of course apply false lashes on a daily basis... who wouldn't right? (if it weren't so ridiculously fiddly)
The sleeping lashes look is very popular so I wanted to find a way to make my own statement.  A way that my own work would be easily reckognised as a My Honeybunch Cake Pop.

As a kid I loved Penelope Pit stop and Scooby Doo.  Sadly Penelope is no longer around on the box but the new Scooby Doo has a look that I love and drew inspiration from (yes really!)
I Love the flick of the eyeliner.
Penelope Pitstop 'Heylp Heylp'
Even Poultry needs eyeliner.
Mrs Chicken Cake Pops

Thanks Giving Turkey Cake pops
I like a bit of good old fashioned 50s' glamour too
Love Bird Cake Pops

How My Honeybunch Cake pops Look all finished and packaged up.

So you get the picture.  I don't think I could make a 'lady' cake pop that had a face without giving her a bit of glamour.... and really, why would I?